
today i... - felt pretty good!

- had a baby who slept in until 7am (yes, that is considered sleeping in at our household).

- ate waffles and yogurt for breakfast.

- enjoyed watching the bird eat her strawberries, this morning, with her fork.  she is VERY into feeding herself with her fork now.

- did not make my bed.

- realized that we had a very naughty baby yesterday - i went outside this morning to find my ONLY tomato had been pulled from the vine and dropped off of the patio sometime yesterday afternoon. it was lying on the ground downstairs.

- took a morning walk - mostly uphill - with the bird.  that stroller is tough to push uphill!

- worked on a new felt piece.

- played on the patio.

- pushed a sleepy baby on her outdoor swing before nap time.

- had only 90 minutes of time on my own to get stuff done (yep...only one 90 minute nap for the little bird today).

- really wanted to take a nap myself.

- played more on the patio.

- read magazines and books on the patio.

- dug a 25' x 2' trench outside in our horrible and difficult to work in clay soil while the bird happily searched for rocks and worms and got super dirty.

- finger painted in the tub.

- gave an afternoon bubble bath.

- made apple cinnamon donut holes.

- smiled at and laughed with and kissed and hugged a beautiful baby girl i call "bird".

- watched giada and took notes on a new recipe.

- had cheese ravioli with vodka sauce for dinner.

- watched "so you think you can dance" (my very favorite show) and laughed at a crazy dancing baby trying to mimic the moves.

- put the bird down early at 6:30...she was out in 15 minutes.

- watered the flowers.

-  took a shower.

-  plan on going to bed by 9.
