mod podge collage

as you might have seen, from my fabric embellished furniture pieces...i am a big fan of mod podge.  my latest project was easy and affordable.  i love the artwork and quotes from the papyrus line and happened upon a clearance 2012 day planned.  it had all kinds of images in it, all about post card size.  i decided they would make a fun collage for the bird's room.  so, i ....1. bought it for $2    2. tore it apart and cleaned up all of the edges   3.  laid out all of the images to see what would fit and what i had to do without and laid them out on a piece of 1/4 backer board which my husband cut down for me (you could use any kind of board or scrap piece of wood for this)  4. used a foam brush to spread on the mod podge   5. laid the mod podged images onto the board, one at a time and carefully pressed each one down in order to get out any air bubbles  6.  spread a thin layer of mod podge over all of the images, once they were already glued down to the board  7. hung it only took about an hour (i love crafts i can complete while the bird is down for her nap!)