day in photos

this is actually an accumulation of a couple of days of photos.  we spent most of last week with my parents, due to the fires taking place here in colorado springs.  we had lots of fun exploring new things, playing in the water, drawing on the sidewalk with chalk and smelling flowers.  the bird also learned to go down the stairs on her own and had a good 'ole time playing with all of the toys nanna has kept from when both she and i were little.  a big thanks to "nanna" and "papa d" for letting us take over your house for a bit of time!

not napping...deciding to turn her bedding into a cape instead...introducing "super C"

photos of my childhood...there's a little bit of the bird in some of these!

tiny wet footprints = love

rose petal sprinkles

palisade, colorado ... the book cliffs