day in photos

what a day it was!  i don't even know where to about with the fact that our little early bird woke us up at 5:30am...that probably says a lot.  on top of that, we are trying for 1 nap a day right now and that equals long mornings and afternoons.  i had already scheduled our sitter to be here for a bit today and by the time ashley got here, we had already had an early morning snack + a long walk + played outside in the dirt for an hour + had breakfast.  i headed out to run some errands and ended up in denver (long story, but let's just say i needed some time for myself!) for a couple of hours.  i could have stayed longer but had to get back in time.  the bird took a 2 1/2 hour nap (yay channing!) while i was gone so by the time i got home at 2 she was ready to go again. she helped me check out my goodies from denver, opened up our latest surprise box from citrus lane, played and made a mess of the living room  and then...took our first bike ride with her new helmet and bike seat!!!  (i will post more on this later but am including a photo here.)  she also helped me water the garden (which mostly includes running through the water, getting super muddy and requiring an early bath) and helped daddy pack up his bike and equipment for a track day tomorrow.  we all had a simple but nice dinner together and early bed time for the bird.  it was a BUSY one for us in the gray household.  let's hope it wore her out enough to sleep past 5:30 tomorrow morning.  here's what our day looked like...

a snack of peppers, cheese and milk.  she thought it was a pretty tasty combo i guess...considering how much she ate!


turning off miss owl on her own.  night night "owwwwl" she says.  night night my little bird!   xoxo