day in photos

another friday has come and gone and somehow we survived another day with one single 60 minute nap...this girl!  how in the world she (and i) makes it through an entire day on just 60 minutes of sleep is beyond me.  we did end the day on an early note, thankfully, with a bath and bed by 6:30.  our day was filled with playing outside and watching the olympics - tennis, voy ball (as the bird says for volleyball) and the very entertaining trampoline.  every event is extremely exciting for this girl of ours and i am really excited that she seems to be enjoying it so much. happy weekend to all!

look where we found owl this morning!

come see me august 18 at eve's revolution...i will be selling my felt flora pieces and taking custom orders!

breakfast on the patio

loving our new succulent wall and garden area...all this rain has been fantastic!

learning about olympic trampoline events

hello there "rosie".  welcome to the gray household and thank you for 60 entire minutes of afternoon outdoor fun! (she is our new/used/free little friend)

practicing for the olympics

when asked to smile and say cheese

happy, even when tired (or more like exhausted!)

nite nite friends

new elmo toothbrush! it was a hit.

grilled dinner, yum.

piles of felt for new felt flora pieces!

good night. xo