a day in photos

my favorite time of year...autumn is in the air and the weather is just beautiful!  what a great friday we have had.  lots of time spent playing outside, including our usual morning walk, a bike ride and an afternoon walk to rock ledge ranch to visit a folk art fair that is going on all weekend.  and don't forget, a stop at the playground.  we found a fantastic hand made wooden train at the fair as well as a hand made sock monkey named "izzie".  definitely a hit and a fantastic day to be spent mostly outdoors.  lots of afternoon playing and mess making finished up with a warm bubble bath and cozy footed pjs for bed.  for me...a nice glass of wine and time to relax with my wonderful husband.  happy weekend!


end of season palisade peaches.  so good.

our new little sweet tweet.

leftovers from our kitchen photo shoot.

new pocoyo app...so cute.  it repeats what you say.  i ♥ pocoyo.

preparing for a new craft project!


morning dancing to 'jack's big music show'. she is SERIOUSLY excited about this show.

a few drops added to hot jasmine tea = lovely.

steaming up some blueberry, apple, cinnamon, walnut oatmeal.  perfect for a chilly fall-like morning.

snacking and crafting during nap time.  so tasty!

new craft complete.  i'll have a blog post to follow.  love how quick, cheap and easy this was.  so fun!

a 2 1/2 hour nap and ready to go!

quilts at the fair.

baby alpacas at the fair.


spinning at the park.

when did she get so big?

hurricane channing.  (yes, that is the frog potty in the background...in our living room...still being used as a seat only and only with clothes on. no progress ↓)

mixing like mama.

making music.

done.  good night!