Back to School

Yay! We made it through our first (partial) day of Kindergarten.  Lots and lots of information and we're both a little pooped.  But a success nonetheless. Channing enjoyed meeting her teacher and classmates.  There are 16 kids in her class.  She was quite excited that her classroom had art easels, a play kitchen, a cubby with her name on it and a little fish tank.  

I have to say I am so thankful we've done preschool the past year because the process of going to school for her is easy peasy...she just loves it and has no anxiety of being left there with a new teacher and students.  Thank goodness.  I send lots of hugs to mamas with littles who have a hard time on that first day, as there were several in that situation today and I can only imagine how tough that is on your hearts.  

I am feeling like we're starting a bit early than other places. I always remember starting school at the end of August.  I hope you all have an amazing first day, first week and school year ahead!! 

And my favorite outtake...when asked if she thought she'd meet herself a boyfriend this year....

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